Eman Esfandi and Taylor Gray, Two Ezra Bridgers, Unite in Dance, Delighting Star Wars Fans

In a heartwarming convergence of the Star Wars universe, Eman Esfandi and Taylor Gray, both known for portraying the character Ezra Bridger, were seen sharing a dance floor at the Emmy’s Disney Afterparty. This event marked a delightful moment for Star Wars enthusiasts, as Esfandi, the actor from Ahsoka series, and Gray, the voice actor from Star Wars Rebels, publicly united, celebrating their shared role in the beloved franchise.

Diana Lee Inosanto, known for her role as Morgan Elsbeth, captured this rare occasion, posting the video online, where it quickly captivated the Star Wars community.

Fans were thrilled to see the two actors, who represent different mediums of the same character, coming together in a lighthearted and joyous manner.

This encounter, believed to be their first public appearance together, showcases the unique bond shared within the Star Wars community.

Eman Esfandi Ezra Bridger
(Image Credits: Escapist Magazine)

Fans Went Crazy Over Eman Esfandi and Taylor Gray

Lucasfilm Animation voice actor Sam Witwer, who voiced Darth Maul in both The Clone Wars and Rebels, humorously reacted to the video on Twitter, highlighting the fun interaction between the two ‘apprentices’.

The fan response was overwhelmingly positive, with artists like @junchan_nyan creating charming fan art depicting the two Ezras.

An unexpected yet amusing twist to this story involved a reference to a Buffalo Wild Wings commercial featuring Taylor Gray.

Fans humorously speculated about Ezra’s whereabouts after Gray used his character’s voice in the advertisement, leading to a playful exchange on social media between Buffalo Wild Wings and the actors.

This interaction not only demonstrates the actors’ engagement with the fandom but also the playful nature of the Star Wars community.

This delightful encounter between Eman Esfandi and Taylor Gray serves as a testament to the joy and unity the Star Wars franchise brings to its fans. Their dance represents more than just a fun moment; it symbolizes the bridging of animated and live-action representations of a beloved character, celebrating the expansive and inclusive nature of the Star Wars universe.

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Osama Asghar

Osama is a massive comic nerd and a brilliant entertainment journalist/writer. With over 7 years of experience in the industry, his insights truly put things in perspective. Other than writing, he loves to travel, do landscape photography and a little bit of filmmaking.

Articles: 246

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